Course Title: MAA424 Special Topics in Animation
Session/Year: Summer 2012
Course Length: 10 Weeks Contact Hours: 60 Credit Value: 4.0
Meeting Days/Times: MON/WED 6:00 pm – 8:45 pm, Room 1019
Instructor: Sam Ellis
Contact Info:
Office Hours and Location: Monday/Wednesday
8:45pm – 10:15pm, 1019
8:45pm – 10:15pm, 1019
Class Blog:
Course Prerequisites: N/A
Course Description:
Students develop assets for a story-based computer game. Emphasis is on systematic planning, content development, design and technology research, as well as formal written communication, independent critical analysis, presentation, and defense.
Core Course Competencies:
Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to:
• Perform Visual and Stylistic research.
• Apply the results of the research to design an approach for the project in development.
• Consult with an adviser to refine the design.
• Integrate principles of visual storytelling into the project.
• Integrate appeal into the project.
• Develop the required components of the project.
• Produce a complete piece of work under the guidance of the adviser.
• Present the completed work.
• Prepare a binder with materials documenting the approach and steps taken.
Required Text:
Technology Needed:
The Art Institute has computer labs, PC Computer with Cintiq.
Course Materials:
- Flash drive or external hard drive for saving homework
- Sketchbook for ideas and to work out Problems
Student Evaluation / Grading Policies:
In preparation for portfolio review, and ultimately a profession, it is of primary importance that your work be as good as possible. That being said, any project that has been submitted on time COMPLETED may be redone for a better grade . It may be improved or solved in an entirely different manner as long as it still fulfills the assignment and is documented in writing with evidence and intent of the new direction. If revisions are done poorly, the grade received previously will count. Projects should be reworked based on the critique comments until they are as strong as possible. Doing this is a very important way to improve your skills, focus your creativity, and resolve visual problems. It is also the reality of the creative industry, Revisions and Resubmissions will be Class 20.
When grading projects, my personal experience and aesthetic preferences influence my response.
When I review students projects, I consider the following:
Ordinary solutions are not only dull, but they are not competitive. They do not challenge nor improve the students skill. Solutions should be exciting, innovative and interesting.
Regardless of your discipline, skillful and creative use of design principles and elements are essential to communication with an audience, remember we are visual communicators. While most viewers cannot identify what may be right or wrong with an image, they sense when something isn’t communicating well due to poor design. Design is important as content in the process of communication.
Skill with media is necessary to success. A good idea fails to communicate if worked poorly. I realize most of you have limited media experience, and I will take that into account. Work that we do in class is designed to develop some degree of comfort with the medium.
All projects have goals and specifications that need to be accomplished and followed. It is expected that these will be met through your solutions. The industry requires this, as will I.
Classroom Policy:
•All work is to be presented professionally in both style and manner. Work must be clean, clear, and must meet core requirements (matting, overlay, color/inks, etc.).
•Assessment will be based on student’s ability to understand the principles of drawing and design and to apply them successfully to each project.
•The student’s overall improvement
•Class Participation/Professionalism
Late Projects:
•All projects and presentations must be ready to present at the beginning of class time. If a student is not present on time (one minute past the hour,) that student will be marked absent, and will not be allowed to show work, immediately receiving the letter grade of F and a 0% grade.
In addition, if a project does not meet the required elements for evaluation (i.e. missing an element piece, not mounted if required, or done in an incorrect format,) the student will also immediately receive the letter grade of F, and a 0% grade.
If a student has adequate documentation of a particular situation that prohibits his/her work to be on time (death in the family, illness, court, etc.) exceptions can be made. However, it must be adequate documentation, filled by a supervisor, doctor, or a relevant authority figure.
Grading Scale:
All assignments must have clear criteria and objectives meet. All students shall be treated equitably. It will be that student’s right to know his/her grade at any reasonable point that information is requested by that student. The criteria for determining a student’s grade shall be as follows (on a percentage of total points basis):
Grading Scale Points
A 100 to 92
A- 91.9 to 90
B+ 89.9 to 88
B 87.9 to 82
B- 81.9 to 80
C+ 79.9 to 78
C 77.9 to 73
C- 72.9 to 70
D 69.9 to 69.8
F 69.7 and below
Process for Evaluation:
Professionalism and Conduct 10%
Research and Documentation 10%
Mid-term presentation 40%
Final Presentation 40%
All work will be professionally presented in a formal portfolio at the end of the term.
Class Policies:
- 50% Instructor’s Help + 50% Self Help = 100% Class Success
- Sharing your progress with the class and me is important. I don’t accept the excuses of losing your work due to the corrupted files or missing flash drive before the due date, especially when I have never seen your work in progress.
- Attending all classes and submitting all assignments on time does not guarantee you passing. You need to demonstrate a base competence in animation to pass the class.
- A key element to the successful completion of this course will be your ability to interact with and act out your characters in the class. Failure to participate in such events or practices will result in a lower participation grade, more importantly it will have an adverse effect on your final animation work.
Submitting Assignments:
All assignments need to be handed in personally to me. Do not hand assignments to another instructor or drop it on my desk or box unless you are told otherwise All assignments must also be uploaded to the class blog before the start of class
Drop/Add Policy:
- Students are dropped from school if they don't attend ANY of their classes during the first two weeks of the quarter. If they attend only one day of one class, they are charged for the tuition for all the classes in which they are registered.
- The drop period ends at 7pm on Monday of week 2.
- The add period ends at 7pm on Tuesday of week2.
Students with Disabilities:
The Art Institute of Washington is committed to providing qualified students with a disability an equal opportunity to access the benefits, rights and privileges of school services, programs and activities. The Art Institute of Washington provides reasonable accommodations to students with documented disabilities.
Accommodation requests should be submitted as far in advance as possible. It is the responsibility of the student to contact the Student Affairs Department to initiate this process (phone #). The Student Affairs Department will assist qualified students with disabilities in acquiring reasonable and appropriate accommodations.
Attendance Policy:
It is the goal of this policy to improve the academic performance of students in the classroom by stressing the importance of course attendance and reinforcing the work-ready expectations of employers for employee attendance. All students are expected to adhere to these industry standards. Students are encouraged to refer to page 39 of The Student Handbook 2010 -2011 for the AiW Attendance Policy.
In the Media Arts & Animation Program students are required to attend all class meetings. Students must arrive on time, come prepared and ready to work, and stay for the duration of the class. There are no excused absences. Any one of the following qualifies a student to receive a demerit from class (earning one demerit):
- Arriving late to class (after official class start time)
- Leaving before the end of class
- Failure to attend class
- Failure to come to class prepared with all assignments and required materials, as determined by the instructor (art supplies, textbooks, etc.)
- Cell phones ringing in class without prior authorization by the instructor
- Inappropriate behavior and/or lack of participation in class activities (to be determined by the instructor)
Once a student has accumulated a total of three (3) demerits, s/he will be notified by their instructor that s/he is on probation and in danger of receiving an “F” in the course. Students who accumulate a total of four (4) demerits in a course will receive a grade of “F” at the end of the quarter. Furthermore, it is the student’s responsibility to make up any missed coursework due to absences.
Student Conduct Policy:
The Art Institute of Washington expects its students and employees to conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times. In addition, the Art Institute has a strict policy that disallows sexual harassment of either students or employees. All students or employees are encouraged to report any professional or sexual misconduct to the Dean of Student Affairs.
Academic Dishonesty:
The Art Institute of Washington defines an act of academic dishonesty as any attempt to take the work of someone else and submit it as one’s own. If you are suspected of plagiarism of any kind your instructor reserves the right to fail you for the assignment or the course. Students may appeal in writing to the Dean of Academic Affairs. Please refer to page 39 of the New Student Handbook for the complete Academic Dishonesty policy.
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